

commercial contracts

Once the initial steps have been taken in respect of buying, investing or selling a business, we can draft up a binding legal agreement, which will include the all relevant commercial terms. You may have already agreed some skeletal commercial terms with the other party; however we can also negotiate these terms on your behalf and ensure the terms are suitably favourable to you. We will make it our business to understand your business fully, considering the products and services you supply, your client base and relationships with customers, suppliers and partners.

commercial contract
lawyers in Scotland

Having a robust commercial contract is vital to any business success. Their importance cannot be underestimated as the contract will form the basis of the day to day operations. How contracts are drafted can have a major effect on the success of your business dealings. Commercial contracts can range from relatively straightforward to very complex dependant on the nature of the commercial agreement. We will use terminology that can be read and easily interpreted by businesses and business people and limit legal jargon. From the outset, having obtained a thorough insight into your business, we can identify and assist you on your objectives and make sure these are embedded into the bespoke contract, providing you with a contract which is commercially realistic under all the circumstances.

how we
can help

Our solutions are practical and workable and will ensure your best interests are at heart to protect your position. We will anticipate risks on your behalf and draft an agreement to counteract these risks. We can offer advice on a wide range of businesses, no matter the nature or size. Our partnering approach means we will work with you closely, providing a proactive, responsive legal service, which could be described as an extension to your own team. This means complex issues can be broken down and technical points will be thoroughly explained so you are aware of the effect of any legal terms in force. Additionally within commercial agreements there will be certain terms which are implied into contractual documentation, which will not appear on the face of the contract. We can make you aware of these and any obligations you may be faced with. We will also highlight specific terms of the contract and advise when particular terms may be exercised and what may be done to exercise such rights. This may involve instances where you or the other party can terminate the contract if a breach occurs. Additionally we can advise on any commercial risks you may face and incorporate suitable warranties, indemnities and limitations of liability into the contract. Thorough advice will be given to you with a view ensuring you have a competitive edge.

commercial contract

t (6)-min

Liza Lynch

Accredited Paralegal